THA Library Mission Statement:
The THA Library participates effectively in the school program as it endeavors to meet the needs of students, teachers, and parents. We provide students with the library materials and services needed for their growth and development. We attempt to stimulate and guide students in all phases of their reading, to become skillful users of all libraries, and work with teachers in the selection and use of all types of library materials that contribute to the teaching program.
Lower School Program
Grades K3 through 6 have one regularly-scheduled library class each week.
K3 - K5 classes get books that are selected by their teachers which emphasize subjects they are studying. Grades 1-6 may check out 2 books each time and may return and then check out more books as allowed by their teachers anytime during the week. We have full participation in the Accelerated Reader program.
Upper School Program
Students in the upper school may use the library during breaks, before and after school, and anytime their teachers bring them during the school-day. We have internet access through 4 computer stations, 6 notebooks, and WiFi for those who bring laptops. We provide multiple copies of teacher-requested reading and also have many books, both fiction and non-fiction for individual selections. Upper school students may check out books for a two-week period, with the option to renew, and have a longer period for any teacher-assigned reading.
Librarian: Kate Lucas
Library Resources